
Kuliah Jumaat at Pejabat PAS Kota Baharu

A young girl with a head scarf during friday sermon in Kota Baharu, Kelantan January 1, 2010. Mohamed Heikkal Ismail
A man recites Quran during friday sermon in Kota Baharu, Kelantan January 1, 2010. Mohamed Heikkal Ismail

A Spiritual Leader of Pan-Islamic Party Tuan Guru Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat give his sermon during friday morning in Kelantan, Malaysia January 1, 2010. Mohamed Heikkal Ismail


Adam Adam said...

Thank you so much for visiting my blog in 2009
Come back any time you're welcome!

I also want to wish you beautiful and Happy New Year 2010 !

Angel Corrochano said...

Without a doubt a great blog. With intense and touching photographies. Enhorabuena

Warm greetings

Samantha White said...

thanks for visiting my blog. you have a great blog here!

yraya said...

Las fotos son una preciocidad!!!

Redzlan said...

Great pictures, esp that young girl and the last one.
Keep it up!

l'alia-du said...

bellisimas ,una serie increible, saludos

AnĂ³nimo said...

Your photos are interesting. His world just what I saw on television.

Keep it up.


EwIkA said...

great pics !
just beautiful... :D
thnks for visit my blog...

hawa jamilah said...

mohan share gambarnya ya.cantik...