Thousands of people have demonstrated in Kuala Lumpur, against a controversial Internal Security Acts, which is allowing detention without trial, August 1,2009.Police used tear gas and water cannons to disperse the protesters at several main roads for hours.The protesters had planned to march to the national palace to submit a petition to the king denouncing the Internal Security Act. Mohamed Heikkal Ismail / Freelance Photojournalist
very nice blog! i think you take the really important things to your pictures and you describe really bad things or situations in a very god way! very nice work!:)
You Captured such a great moments, a real photojournalist should find the solutions to share what is going on? We are looking at photographs, but such is that, that you are among the situation.
A todos nuestros seguidores y amigos: Os rogamos que leáis el último post publicado en el blog. Ante la negativa del concello (ayuntamiento) de Muxía de instaurar un premio para mayores blogueros, vuestras opiniones son de vital importancia para establecer las bases sobre las que poder continuar con el proyecto. Gracias por vuestra colaboración.
kezaliman kerajaan BN terserlah dengan polis menunjukkan buruk kelaku pada rakyat yg berhimun secara aman ..pada mereka yg berhimpun tabik spring
i follow your blog
Tahniah kepada semua peserta Himpunan Aman Anti-ISA 1 Ogos.
Dalam negara demokrasi, rakyat melantik kerajaan 5 tahun sekali. Kenapa pula rakyat perlu takutkan kerajaan?
Kerajaan BN/UMNO selalu menyalahgunakan polis. Kezaliman polis akan mencepatkan BN turun dari singgahsana kuasa.
Lwn ttp lawan...sampai negara telus, adil dan bebas dari rasuah.
I love your pics. Gives alot of emotions.
Wow, inspiring stuff, you must have been right in the middle of it. Thanks for sharing.
salam ramadhan kareem.buah tangan ramadhan buat blog anda.time ksh.
Hi Mohamed, these shots are world class, thank you.
Valor y fuerza en tu lucha por los derechos humanos. Que tus ojos nunca se desenfoquen ante la barbarie. Un saludo mujer valiente. (español)
awesome pictures, sad reality
you're work is simply amazing! thanks for following! =)
whoever took these pics where brave. the fact that so much violence can occur touches me. there is a lot of emotion in these pics.
check out my blog:
if u like what u see then follow and i will follow back.
Great pictures, love them
Worring situation.
Great job!.
very nice blog!
i think you take the really important things to your pictures and you describe really bad things or situations in a very god way!
very nice work!:)
Great job!
Very impressive and realistic.
salam aidilfitri. maaf zahir & batin... =)
I love this pictures!
salam. u got an award from us. pls click here :
You Captured such a great moments, a real photojournalist should find the solutions to share what is going on?
We are looking at photographs, but such is that, that you are among the situation.
A todos nuestros seguidores y amigos: Os rogamos que leáis el último post publicado en el blog.
Ante la negativa del concello (ayuntamiento) de Muxía de instaurar un premio para mayores blogueros, vuestras opiniones son de vital importancia para establecer las bases sobre las que poder continuar con el proyecto.
Gracias por vuestra colaboración.
ambe copy gambar ni letak kat blog anbe k.
Lyn : Ok, boleh.
thanks to all for ur dropped here...
following back ;)
thanks for following, your blog is very serious, it's very good.
Katie & Tom ♥
For that serie I follow you.
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