
Hope from our kids

Another one picture of HIV kids in Kuala Lumpur.


Unknown said...

Una imagen con una fuerza impresionante en la mirada de estos dos niños.
Un saludo,

JaviZ said...

Your photojournalism images are simply incredible, please post (much) more!

Javier Echaiz (your newest Follower)

Prospero said...

A wonderful visual metaphor - a child with a part of its future missing.

Loulou said...

Sweet, intimate, strong and delicate. Lovely boys...

Ace said...

Thanks for following my blog!

Dubai Photo Story said...

Hey... lovely picture here. Like the softness and use of the lighting.

Thanks for following me. Have just added your blog to my bloglist.

Unknown said...

interesting pictures.... good worck

Sight said...

Nice, yet srong image. There is much "eye selection" on your pictures
...will be back !

alterdom said...

Hi Mohamed!

i like your shoot, i like freedom and respect for human rights, and the Palestinian people too!

Anonymous said...


The kids are so cute.
A very strong image with underlying meanings.

Sight said...

Prémio Blog Coração de Ouro
Mais importante do que os prémios e as distinções, são os "mimos" que se trocam neste circulo de amizade e boa fé.
Quase a celebrar um ano de existência, seguindo o exemplo de quem sabe e infringindo "um bocadinho" as regras da distinção, o Sight Xperience vai partilhar esta distinção com aqueles que são deveras importantes na existência e continuidade de um espaço na blogosfera: Os Seguidores do Sight Xperience.
Porque são de ouro, esses navegantes que lançaram âncora neste espaço, onde partilho as minhas calmarias e tempestades...


JustAsmallGirl said...

Lovely photojurnalism photo!

Anonymous said...

This photo is very thought provoking. A wonderful photojournalism entry!

Diesel Jeans said...

Outstanding blog, got of hot news and informative..

Arun said...

excellent blog